
Mission Statement.

Sea Freight.

Air Freight.

Customs Clearance.


Export Packing.


Hazardous Substances.

International Moving.

Courier Services.

Contact Air-Wave.

Call us FREE on:


0800 321 3200



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‘Exceeding expectations’

Freight Management

Sea Freight


The most conventional way to get your cargo across the world is via containerised sea freight. From the UK, Air-Wave can utilise any port for convenience of delivery or unloading. We use the traditional high volume shipping lanes and we also use less well frequented  routes too, ensuring that nowhere in the world is out of reach. Our extensive network of business contacts across the globe is paramount in our ability to provide reliable, top quality logistical support wherever you need it.


We also offer a part load option, where a small consignment size doesn’t justify the cost of a full container. In this case, a 20 of 40 foot container can be shared with other users heading to the same destination. Air-Wave are also pioneers in ‘modular groupage’ services, which ensure the extra security afforded by containers divided into sections for the sharing of multiple users.


Air-Wave is a company whose staff boast many years of service in the field of maritime shipping. Our knowledge and expertise in this area allows us to pass the benefit of our experience on to you, the customer, to ensure that your instance of cargo shipping is delivered with first-rate service.


When you use Air-Wave for your sea freight needs, you’ll realise that our reach has made the world a much smaller place.